
Pure Heart is Lotus

Lotus is the flower shows the character of the human living without eight worldly dhamma. Lotus grown from the lay but at the time it comes up from the lay or water it will not get dirty or water any more. The life to lotus is life without the eight worldly dhamma.


Temple of Wat Munirangseysirivararam

This temple was built in 2004 by Venerable Thach Cuong. This Pagoda is located in Swaypok village (Ap Moc Anh), Kampongtareach sub-district (Xa Luu Nghiep Anh), Tacau District (Huyen Tra Cu) Preah Tra Peang Province (Tinh Tra Vinh) Kampucheakrom, is now in south Vietnam.

Wat Munirangseysirivararam (swaypok) was built in 1567 by Mr. Thach Bhud and Mrs. Kim Phruoe along with other Buddhist lay people in the community.


Khmer Kampucheakrom Buddhist Art in The Temple

This vedio is on the achievement of the Khmer Kampucheakrom Buddhist people living in South Vietnam painted in the temple (Vihara).